
Aromatherapy for us is the ability to see and understand a person as a whole with all aspects of body, mind, and spirit.

We advocate for addressing the root cause of diseases, not just the disease itself and its consequences. 

We support stimulating and maintaining the body's natural abilities for healing.

Aromatherapy for us is about ecological awareness, improving the quality of life, and health! It is no secret to any of us that the disease itself reflects an imbalance in the human body.

Modern Western conventional medicine focuses on suppressing symptoms and combating diseases.

This approach undoubtedly saves lives in emergency situations but struggles to meet its therapeutic goals in addressing problems with chronic health disorders.

Therefore, traditional medicine can be considered a method of treating diseases, but it cannot be called healthcare.

So, what can be called healthcare? Practices aimed at maintaining balance and stability in innate corrective factors and

mechanisms of the body, leading the organism towards self-healing. 

What are these practices?

- It could be maintaining the balance of Yin and Yang in traditional Chinese medicine. 

- Maintaining Doshas in Ayurveda. 

- Sustaining the state of tissues in traditional Western herbalism.

Interestingly, aromatherapy complements any of the above-mentioned approaches to maintaining human health and can 


Family Business

A family business is the oldest and most common model of economic organization.

The overwhelming majority of enterprises worldwide, from corner shops to multinational public organizations

with hundreds of thousands of employees, can be considered family businesses. 

A family business is defined as a legal entity with at least two family members holding managerial positions and owning at least 50 percent of the established capital. We are a family company located near

Oslo, specializing in the field of a healthy lifestyle and aromatherapy.

Learn more about us by clicking the button below this text.

Genuine and authentic essential oils from plants are fundamentally different from industrial, semi-natural oils often offered in the market.

Among the main differences is their physiological effect on the user! How often do we hear: I'll find something for a lower price, but just as good?

This applies to many aspects of our lives. We might seek cheaper things, food, trips, and the list goes on indefinitely.

And it's true! You can always find something cheaper, and it may seem to you that it's just as good.

And I'm not sure about your experience, but mine is often quite disappointing. By saving on something, I ultimately compromise my comfort, safety, and health.

Not only my personal well-being but also the comfort, safety, and health of my loved ones.

I choose to love myself. I choose to value myself and my loved ones.

I choose genuine, authentic essential oils from plants. I choose #doterra.

Meet OlgaAlexanderMatvej- our employees

Olga Beliakovskaia
Olga BeliakovskaiaAromatherapist
Alexander Beliakovski
Alexander BeliakovskiAdministrator
Matvej Beliakovski
Matvej BeliakovskiConsultant

About us

We are a family-owned company specializing in wellness and aromatherapy.




Tel.: +47 97643557



Tel.: +47 48033821


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