About us:We are a family company located near Oslo, specializing in the fieldof a healthy lifestyle and aromatherapy.

We offer you assistance and services that will change your life towards love and caring for yourself.

Our mission is to help the world become a place for eco-friendly relationships and a healthy lifestyle..

Your individual requests are our priority.

Client confidentiality and transparency on our part are guaranteed.

"Honesty is not only the best policy but also the shortest way."

- Bernard Shaw.

Our professionalism: to listen - understand - deliver results.

Olga Beliakovskaia
Olga BeliakovskaiaAromaterapistolgabel72@yahoo.com
I am Olga Beliakovskaia. I have been living and working in Norway for over 20 years. I am happily married and have one adult son. Quality of life in all its aspects is important to me: emotional, psychological, physical health, family values, the opportunity to develop as an individual, and the possibility of environmentally friendly business.
Alexander Beliakovski
Alexander BeliakovskiAdministratorabeliakovski@gmail.com
I am Alexander Beliakovski. An engineer, educator, soon-to-be retiree, as well as the creator and administrator of this website. I enjoy working on the computer and actively spending leisure time in nature.
Matvej Beliakovski
Matvej BeliakovskiConsultant
I am Matvej Beliakovski. I work, study, and assist in the family business. I love watching football and playing basketball.

About us

We are a family-owned company specializing in wellness and aromatherapy.




Tel.: +47 97643557

E-mail: olgabel72@yahoo.com


Tel.: +47 48033821

E-mail: abeliakovski@gmail.com

Our address